Happy Monday/Thursday. This week is so weird having Wednesday off from work. We are having a bunch of friends over for a BBQ on the 4th and I can't wait! My brother in law gave me some veggie burgers to give a try and I am really looking forward to it. I haven't been a fan of some of the one's I've tried in the past, but he said they were good, so I'm going to try them.
Today after work I was planning on going to the gym to run my 3 miles on the treadmill since it was supposed to be above 90 degrees this afternoon. I checked the weather before I left work and it said 91 degrees and windy. Windy sounded nice. I went outside and it wasn't half bad so I decided to run outside! I completed my 3 miles in 28.51. I didn't have my Garmin with me, but I downloaded a stopwatch ap on my phone and just used that instead.
Happy to be done the heat!

Yuck too hot!
When I got home from my run I went down in the basement and did 15 minutes of ab work. Then got started on dinner.
Crabcakes were on sale for 99 cents each this week at our grocery store. I cooked up a couple of those and some sweet potato wedges. Salad on the side!
After dinner I did a little bit of baking (I'll get to that tomorrow) and then Matt asked me if I wanted to go get frozen yogurt. Hmmmmmm. Yes. This is why I work out haha. We went to Dairy Queen for a little snack. During the summer I try to keep my ice cream indulgences in check to about once a week. When I was younger it was my biggest weakness. I'm talking I would eat it every single night after dinner. Once a week is a lot better for me than every night haha. That way it seems like more of a treat when I actually have it. It's no secret that sweets are my vice, and they always will be, but I've learned to control them a lot more than before.
Found this on pinterest today and it made me smile:
That's me!!!
I told Matt today that he should be the one with the running blog. Matt ran 9 miles today. He's pretty kick ass!! He's going to be ready for that half marathon in a couple of weeks I swear!
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