old pic from last summer!
Leah is one of my bridesmaids and we had some wedding things to do. We went up to Wilmington to pick up her bridesmaid dress and then I showed her the wedding venue. Then we came back to the house for some crafting. On the menu....Vintage Lace Lanterns
source (found on pinterest)
All we needed were some balloons from the dollar store, lace fabric from JoAnn's and fabric stiffener. Leah later pointed out that the name of the fabric stiffener was Stiffy hahaha. Amazing!
All we did was brush the fabric stiffener on the lace fabric and place it on the balloons. Tomorrow when they will dry I'll pop the balloons and hope for the best. We are hoping to hang them outside of our wedding venue. They are up to dry in our garage as we speak.
After the crafting we went out to dinner and then Leah headed back to New Jersey :(. Then Matt and I went to pick up my new insoles.
Im currently walking around the house in them to try and get used to the new support. I'm going to the gym tomorrow morning and am hoping to get a short 1 mile run in with them just to see how they feel. Then I will ice my foot when I get home. I'm trying to get better with this ice thing.
The rest of the night I'll spend with my puppin snuggling up watching a movie.
Tomorow is superbowl sunday and even though I hate both of the teams playing we are still having people over to watch. I will of course be making the famous Vitale Family Hotwing Dip. All of my friends are obsessed with this dip. I got reemed out on New Years for not making it and trying something different...sheesh. I will provide the recipe tomorrow....not the healthiest thing in the world but boy does it taste good!!!