Hey everyone! This will most likely be my last post before the honeymoon. I will not be blogging on while we are in St. Lucia, that is for sure. But I will be taking a lot of pictures and hope to share them with you when I get back! Today was another busy day at work. The temps finally went down a little bit, so I thought I would try and run after work. Well it turns out it was still crazy hot out and my body was not happy. I suffered through 5 miles, stopping a couple times at buildings on campus to get water.
Average pace: 9.18
And then I took this hot picture:
Sexy. This is what happens when you try to take a picture of yourself and then see the head of the company driving by and staring at you...oops. I'm pretty sure we'll have some type of awkward encounter tomorrow morning in the break room...can't wait.
When I got home today, I was pleasantly surprised by all the things Matt had accomplished while I was gone! Well I guess I shouldn't be surprised, he's way more motivated with house stuff than I am. He hung a picture that my best friend gave me at my rehearsal dinner and the framed invitation to my bridal shower. What a nice surprise. We've also been working on unpacking things little by little. Today we were working on more dished when Matt unpacked these:
They look really small here, but they are bowls with little handles that match our plates. I actually registered for them and forgot to tell Matt. I thought they were really cute. He just started laughing when he saw them and asked what they were. He knows I have a strange obsession with mugs, but they are way too big to be mugs. I explained to him that we could use them as bowls. So since we were having leftovers for dinner, he decided to humor me:
Now the bowl looks huge! haha I swear they are normal sized bowls. Matt had his spaghetti and meatballs in my mug/bowl.
I had a giant salad with two chicken fingers from Monday night, carrots, srting beans, craisins, gorganzolla cheese all over a bed of spinach.
Later I snacked on some frozen fruit mixed wtih a spoonfull of yogurt and almond butter. bangin!
The rest of my night was spent doing laundry, doing my at home bikini wax (tmi??), and starting to pack!
Talk to you all in about a week and a half!!