I knew going into this weekend that today was going to be gorgeous and Sunday is supposed to be disgusting and rainy all day. I told Matt that we should go for a trail run to try and do something a little different. We both wanted to give it another go after reading this month's runner's world which was all about trail running. We made our way to Judge Morris Estate which has a loop about 3.5 miles long. I wanted to do the loop and then extend it a bit to 4 miles at the end.
Now looking at this trail, you wouldn't think it would be too hard to follow. Maybe for a normal person, but not for me!! I got lost several times. At one point I stopped and texted Matt who was about 10 minutes ahead of me that I was lost. Everything started off well enough...
After I took this picture was right around where I took a wrong turn. I realized that I was going the wrong way so I turned around, but when I got back to the intersection I couldn't remember which way I came from! Such a hot mess! If you see that little purple part on the map...that's where I got all turned around. Well I eventually figured it out and made it to the end. I took me to 4.11 miles, just what I had wanted.
11.02 (the lost mile haha)
I stayed right around a 10 minute mile which was good considering they say you go about 1 minute slower when you trail run.
can you tell i was a little pissed off?? haha I hide my emotions so well.
Then it was time for lunch!
egg white and spinach egg sandwich with guacamole on the deli flat and lots of fruits and veggies.
Then it was time for the fun part of the day. SHOPPING!!! We went to the Delaware Running Company to look for running shoes for me since I'm nearing the time where I should be replacing my shoes. I was never totally in love with my current running shoes, so I was really excited to explore. When I got to the store the guy asked me how much I run per week, and if I have any pains. I told him about my hallux limitus and that I thought my current running shoes were almost too padded (i'm currently wearing NB 1260). He suggested a pair of brooks to try and a pair of asics. The brooks I loved as soon as I tried them on. I have a wide foot and they were really roomy in the toe box. I tried them on with my current insoles and gave them a go on the in store treadmill. I fell for them hard haha. I tried on the asics too, but didn't like them as much.
I can't wait to run in them!!
The guy at the store told me that this is their highest selling running shoe and that most people try this shoe and buy it over and over again. I'm hoping I have a similar experience.